My contribution for BlogBlast for Peace 2010:

Blog Blast for Peace 2010

10 Comments CherryPie on Nov 4th 2010

10 Responses to “Dona Nobis Pacem”

  1. Annelisa says:

    I hope you are enjoying a well-earned rest…you have a lovely place here…you must’ve been busy.

    Peace to you and yours, CherryPie!

  2. jmb says:

    Lovely globe Cherie. Peace be with you.

  3. Annelisa says:

    I swear I stopped by here yesterday and said hello! :-)

    Good quote on your Peaceglobe (and a very pretty Peaceglobe it is too!)

    Peace to you and yours

    Annelisa x

    • CherryPie says:

      Thanks Annelisa. You had said hello, you comment had just got held up in moderation and I haven’t been around to release it. They should publish without getting held up in future :-)

  4. Annelisa says:

    Your peace post is now linked in my blog: Peace Bloggers Unite

  5. Mimi Lenox says:

    #1822 in the Official Peace globe Gallery.
    Thank you so much for participating with us and blogging the peace.

    Peace to you and yours,