It was that time of year again when I finally allow myself to think of the Christmas season. I set of with my Mum to visit the festive gift fair in Birmingham. Luckily for us the threat of industrial action from one of the train companies was called off at the last minute.
The journey there and back was painless and the trains were on time and there were plenty of places to sit. I had forgotten what a long trek it is from the Birmingham International to the NEC, I certainly got my exercise for the day. The last time we went to the show in 2008 it was rather disappointing because a lot of our old favourites had pulled out and there was not very much that interested us. I am glad to say it had picked up again this year and although some of our old favourites were still absent there were new things to interest us.
We were also lucky that I had got my dates muddled up and left it too late to order tickets in advance. Some very generous people helped us out on the way in, meaning we saved money on the entry fee.
We came away with a naughty pie for tea, which I can confirm was absolutely delicious. Don’t forget that I did a lot of walking so I earned it
Ah – the naughty pie – indulge!
Just as one off you understand
Oh, you definitely needed the pie!
It revitalised us after so much walking
It is that time of year isn’t it – have been making Christmas centerpieces in between painting commissions – well that is better than Christmas baking (which I’d probably eat) n’est-ce pas?
I am sure your Christmas centrepieces are delightful It is always best not to cook too soon for Christmas
Yes, it’s that time of the year again… when I give thanks that I don’t “do” Christmas. Although I do enjoy wandering amidst the arguing couples, moaning kids and crawling queues that I don’t need to join. Perhaps taking in a tall skinny latte to enjoy with a window seat to view the chaos. Bliss. Happy Winter Solstice when it comes.
Christmas was always a fun time for me until people got difficult, making demands and playing the emotional black-male card (not my immediate family I hasten to add…)
This picture sums up how I have felt about Christmas in recent years. It was taken after a particularly difficult year. For one reason and another things haven’t improved much since then, but I have found my ways to cope with that
Did you see me there ??
Did you buy anything from me??
I was the stall
I did see you there Very cute cushions and soft to the touch.