
The meal in this restaurant was a trip down memory lane.  The food was as good as ever, but the service wasn’t quite so attentive as it was on the previous visit there.

Absent friends were dearly missed.

I am sure you can see from the pics that the food was juicy and succulent.

Tray of Tastes

Succulent  Delight

Hidden Pear

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

16 Comments CherryPie on Nov 19th 2010

16 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Juicy”

  1. Claude says:

    A very artistic Food Presentation.

  2. Sean Jeating says:

    Having dined with quite a few rich of whom many would erroneously think they are beauties, it did not take two ‘events’ to become sure of that I do prefer plain fare.

    In case some commenters never tried: It’s good … :)

  3. YTSL says:

    Oh my… and I can see this week’s Photo Hunt making me very hungry! ;b

  4. Mar says:

    Wonderfully presented! love the “bag” for dessert :)
    Happy hunting 8)


  5. Jerry says:

    It looks like a delicious meal. . . the presentation is simple, yet stunning. Lots of juicy foods there.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Chrissy says:

    Looks lovely, I am hungry now :)

  7. Marta says:

    The meal looks wonderful. I love how they creatively and artistically plated each dish. We eat so much with our eyes and they look very inviting.

  8. jmb says:

    That is certainly a delicious looking meal as well as juicy.

    Have a good week Cherie.