
When I visited Bruges the Hotel was hard to find as some of you will recall from a previous post of mine.  The room I stayed in was in the eves of the newest part of the hotel, is is where you see the three round and one square window.  My brother informed me that the strange white metal object on the side of the bldg was the fire escape, which meant going out on to the roof to use it.  I don’t do heights!!!

Martin's Brugge

Fire Escape

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

18 Comments CherryPie on Dec 3rd 2010

18 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Hard-To-Find”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Alternatively – don’t smoke in bed.

  2. Bernard says:

    And….. I was always thinking that it was ‘The bar that was hard to find’…
    ….or was that……the ‘little room’ was hard to find? ….after using the ‘Hard to find bar?
    Thank heavens I don’t need a fire escape! – Hic!

  3. A beautiful hotel but I don’t think I’d go for that fire escape either! Great take on the theme

  4. Annie says:

    That looks like such a nice place to stay. But I’m with you…no heights!

    Happy weekend.

  5. gengen says:

    Looks cool and interesting. Good choice for today.

  6. YTSL says:

    That looks like an interesting hotel. I tend to end up in “cookie cutter” type hotels on my travels, alas!

  7. ubermouth says:

    That last picture is amazing! I love architecture. Nowadays there’s no imagination in buildings.

  8. MTG says:

    What we are capable of doing comes as a surprise when we must do it.

  9. Lisa says:

    Beautiful hotel, but let’s hope there is never a fire!! Enjoy your weekend.