I invite you to join me over at Vision and Verb where I recall ‘Chocolate Box’ memories.

12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 24th 2011

12 Responses to “Chocolate Box Memories”

  1. Marcie says:

    Love the ‘link’ you’ve created!! It reminds me..

  2. Sherry Smyth says:

    I love how your link “prodded” Marcie!!! lol!!! Great story — beautiful and heart warming. Now of course I’m craving something chocolate!!!

    • CherryPie says:

      I am glad you enjoyed the story :-)

      Marcie remembered she was working on a blog button for V&V ;-)

      After I finished writing it I craved chocolate too!

  3. Anyes - Far Away in the Sunshine says:

    Chocolate and all the memories it holds in our heart ;-)

  4. jameshigham says:

    Vision and Verb – interesting.

  5. sally says:

    The purple ones were always “mum’s favorites ” and no one could have them but her :-)

    do like reading vision and verb x

    • CherryPie says:

      I was a bit like that with the perilous green ones ;-)

      Thank you for your comments about vision and verb. I have always enjoyed reading the thoughts of the contributors and was honoured to be invited to join the inspirational talented ladies there :-)