
Honey for the Bees

30 Comments CherryPie on Oct 12th 2011

30 Responses to “100 Photos 89 :: Honey”

  1. Excellent. THat most definitely is a reason for joy, Cherie!

  2. jameshigham says:

    Oh yes – the product rather than the makers.

    • CherryPie says:

      The product is delicious and the maker is fascinating. I am fond of bees, they never sting unless under threat.

      Wasps on the other hand are quite evil!!

  3. Claude says:

    Looks yummy!

  4. Sean Jeating says:

    Hm, and as I am taught by Nanny Wordpress that my “comment was a bit too short” and being asked/forced to “Please go back and try again”, I do obey and add: The genius at wordpress who had this idea is an idiot, and not just in the classical sense.

    The peace of the night.

    • CherryPie says:

      Wordpress does seem to have funny algorithm for short comments (less than three words),

      When I comment on my own blog it throws I wobbly if I answer with the same comment twice….

      The algorithm is really trying to stop spam comments, but it needs a little tweak to perfect it.

  5. Sean Jeating says:

    After all, ‘they’ offered me a fine reason for a rant, before adding one year to all the others. :)

  6. ....peter says:

    The things that we do for our art Cherie… great capture….peter:)

    • CherryPie says:

      This was quite safe, it was inclosed behind glass within the beehouse shown in the previous picture. If you look very closely you will see a reflected self portrait of me.

  7. I did not mean to repeat what missing moments had written…How about
    Hmmm, du miel like they say in France ;-)

  8. Frida says:

    I love the honey but am totally allergic to be and wasp stings.

    • CherryPie says:

      The stings are something to be very wary of. One of my colleagues was suffering from a bad allergic reaction to a sting, earlier this week.

  9. Marcie says:

    What an incredible image. That honeycomb is so cool!!!

  10. Andrew says:

    Interesting photo

    • CherryPie says:

      If you look closely, you will see me in there too ;-)

      • Andrew says:

        The Queen Bee?

        But I do think I can just about make out what you mean. Hadn’t noticed before.

        Insects terrify me (not our ones, but the thought of much bigger ones, out there, somewhere…)

        • CherryPie says:

          Not the queen bee, I can’t see her, just a reflection of me in glass.

          Can you see the queen bee?

          Insects are a great reflection of how society works.

          Bees are very communal and work (selflessly) for the collective benefit (community).

          Wasps on the other hand, work to their own agenda. Sting first, ask no questions…

          Insects are a perfect reflection of the different human natures;-)

          PS: have I mentioned before that I have an irrational fear of spiders (the house spider variety)?

  11. Andrew says:

    Oh…. I must take some photos of spiders then. We had one in the house yesterday with a body about the size of a 20p piece and legs about 2 inches long. Biggest ever I think. I should’ve taken a photo for you. It is residing out in the garden somewhere now, unless it has made its way back in. I’ll look out for it.

    • CherryPie says:

      That reminds of the large ones I encountered when holidaying Wales many years ago. There was at least one every day and every day they were larger than the previous ones. It is a good job we left when we did, I think the next one would have been a man eater!!