Fine Dining on the Patio

My only walk today was around town shopping for hair essentials for mum. I parked in a distant car park so that I could get some steps in. I had intended to go for a more leisurely walk in the afternoon but the rain and ‘thunder’ led me to stay at home and do some household chores instead.

I was satisfied with my afternoon activity but it meant I fell a bit short on my mileage for the day.

Later in the day the clouds lifted and the rain subsided which meant that we could enjoy ‘fine dining’ on the patio.

All-in-One Spanish Chicken

4 Comments CherryPie on May 18th 2024

4 Responses to “Fine Dining on the Patio”

  1. Hels says:

    Today I went for a walk through a house that was for sale. Nice external architecture and well decorated, but no patio facing the sun. I said thank you very much to the estate agents then went straight home.

  2. Sean says:

    Mhm, my mouth waters …

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