
At one time Wroxeter was the fourth largest town in Roman Britain with an estimated population of 5000 at it’s height.

In the mid-19th century excavations at the site revealed the public baths.  The baths were constructed between AD 120 and 150 to a standard plan that was used throughout the western part of the Roman empire.

Bathing played a very important place in Roman life, not only for cleanliness but also for socialising, meeting friends, doing business, exercising and playing games.

The Old Work

Outside the Baths

Bath House

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

PS: An update on the time warp anomaly. It seems that my post for last week HAS appeared this week…

Curiouser and curiouser said Alice!!

4 Comments CherryPie on Oct 21st 2011

4 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Public”

  1. That is an excellent site. One I have never visited. I must do so. Great choice for the theme Cherie

  2. crash says:

    nice site! must be a lot of interesting history behind it!!!