Where are you goiing?



Where have you been?

8 Comments CherryPie on Apr 12th 2024

8 Responses to “Where Are You Going?”

  1. Sean says:

    Ha ha, well spotted! Thank you!

  2. Shabana says:

    awesome and intriguing :)
    thanks for sharing dear Cheri

  3. Going, going, gone.

    Have you been to Christie’s?
    Oh, they actually let you touch and handle their display items!

    Been to no where in Lincoln thou.

  4. Reminds me of Diana Ross’s “Theme From Mahogany”. Lovely street art

    • CherryPie says:

      There is different street art on the other side of the canal. I was unable to photograph it from where I was and didn’t have to cross the bridge to the other side.