Lincoln Minster from the Castle Grounds

Lincoln Castle

Lincoln Castle

Lincoln Castle

12 Comments CherryPie on Apr 10th 2024

12 Responses to “Lincoln Castle Grounds”

  1. Hels says:

    Look at those round thingies on both sides of the gate. They soften the look of the wall.

  2. Mark in Mayenne says:

    Love the dragon

  3. Thank you for posting more photos of the dragons and the grounds! I definitely need to visit Lincoln now. I like them all, couldn’t possibly choose a favourite

  4. Thanks so much for posting more dragon photos. Great pictures.

  5. Sean says:

    At the risk of being seen as blasphemous, here’s one against the trend:
    I could do without the “dragons”.
    The peace of the night. ;-)

    • CherryPie says:

      Ha Ha Ha. I love the dragons.

      But when we visit next (hopefully soon) I hope to get more photos around the castle including views from the castle walls. Perhaps you will enjoy those more ;-)

  6. Who slew those dragons?
    Bit early for St George’s Day though? ;)

    Oddly, this place reminded me of Shrewsbury Castle??
    I went to see Rochester Castle in January this year.
    Then, Vianden Castle in Luxembourg in February.
    Might see Lincoln Castle in July?