While I was out and about doing Saturday jobs I noticed the lovely banks of daffodils on the roadside verges. I planned to go out and photograph them later in the day. The weather had other ideas and turned to rain…

The rain didn’t stop me dodging the rain showers and getting a few pictures in my own garden. It was a bit of a challenge crouching down taking macro shots whilst trying not to get wet from the grass ;-)

A Sign of Spring

4 Comments CherryPie on Mar 17th 2012

4 Responses to “Sunny Interlude”

  1. JD says:

    what’s that?
    lovely sunny day here
    -the sun always shines where I live :)

    • CherryPie says:

      It did wonder what rain was throughout last summer. It was very droughty here, it is quite nice to see the rain return :-)

      However, I do put in a special request for it to only rain in the night, so we can enjoy sunshine during the day ;-)

  2. Claude says:

    This flower is so elegant!