Substance & Matter

13 Comments CherryPie on May 30th 2012

13 Responses to “Elegant Pose”

  1. Frida says:

    Really nice realization of an idea.

  2. A nice pose. What new lens did you purchase?

    • CherryPie says:

      A zoom lens the 35mm equivalent of 28 – 240mm.

      I haven’t had much time to explore with it yet, but I am pleased with the few photos I have taken so far. This photo and the previous one were straight out of the camera without any adjustments.

  3. james higham says:

    Well endowed for such a slight frame.

  4. .....peter:) says:

    Beauty captured in ceramic glass… lovely Cherie….peter:)

  5. Could it be that you modelled for this oh ages and ages and ages ago? ;-)

  6. Lady Green?
    She’s a bit camera shy, I think… ;)