
Cherry Lady

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out Whistlestop PhotoHunt.

20 Comments CherryPie on Jun 22nd 2012

20 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Hot”

  1. Must…. Resist…. Urge…. To…. Make…. Inappropriate… Comment….

  2. Vicki says:

    Do people actually wear that stuff? No answer required btw. LOL

    I am sure the designer thinks it is hot. Good take on the theme

    My entry is here

  3. YTSL says:

    Yikes… the color is hot alright but the ad is… :S

  4. Hootin' Anni says:

    I like how this fashion statement is so fitting to CHERRIE!!!/CHERRY

    My Photo Hunters Link is: HOT in pursuit

  5. Jerry says:

    Love that hot fashion – one has to wonder if designers wear their own clothing or if they just inflict it on others? LOL

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Ha…. Is that your lost twin sister in France?

  7. Sue St Clair says:

    Love those shoes!!!

  8. Carver says:

    Great shot for the hot theme.

  9. That’s HoT!
    Now we get to ‘Flash’ next weekend.
    Happy Hunting ~

  10. james higham says:

    Love it. You’ve inspired me.