The Moon and the Oak

PS: I am still struggling with my internet connection (even after the service provider rebooted everything today)… My connection worked perfectly until the service provider had a serious problem (which resulted in melt down last weekend), now my connection to the internet only works intermittently and only on some devices. Sadly my desk top PC seems to be one of the places the internet only works intermittently!!

Hopefully normal service will be resumed ASAP!!

8 Comments CherryPie on Jun 24th 2012

8 Responses to “My Oak and the Moon”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    Beautiful Cherie…. i was just going to take a shot like this tonight but we have no Oak trees this far north… i guess that mine would have to be My Pine and the Moon lol….peter:)

  2. Ginnie says:

    TECHNOLOGY! Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Hopefully everything will be back to normal soon, Cherry!

  3. Lovely photo…very much romance I think.
    Hope your connection improves over the next few days.

    Just popping by to thank you for visiting me at my newer Birding Photo Blog the other day…I got behind in my visiting because of some genealogy work online that took most of my time last week!!!

    Love your photo shares!!

  4. james higham says:

    Do I detect certain Astarte tendencies here, Cherie?