All that you send into the lives of others comes back into your own.
Edwin Markham (1852- 1940)

In the distance

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 8th 2012

16 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Lisl says:

    To look through the grasses and poppies to the view byond, makes me feel as if I am there, Cherie

  2. jamsodonnell says:

    Another beautiful combination of words and image

  3. Marcie says:

    Such an inspiring quote. the sweet little poppies. Thank-you!

  4. ....peter:) says:

    It’s a great quote that i believe in it very much Cherie… i love your poppies and the long grass framing the valley and mountains beyond….peter:)

  5. Such a beautiful view! Love those poppies!

  6. Ginnie says:

    What a delightful POV, Cherry, for this quote. It’s quite sobering to think about this because it can be taken in both a positive and a negative way. Makes me want to be sure I don’t send out anything negative into the lives of those around me!

    • CherryPie says:

      Yes that is the point of the quote, it makes me want refocus to be more positive, which normally is my natural state of mind…

  7. james higham says:

    A variation of “do unto others …” ?

  8. Claude says:

    You reap what you sow….I wonder is those graceful poppies grew up on their own.