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31 Comments CherryPie on Jan 8th 2013

31 Responses to “The Life of Phi”

  1. Silly title though. Proof of nothing except, perhaps, the ubiquitous power of mathematical relationships over optimal form (or something like that). It’s like watching a crystal form when you know nothing of the molecular interactions that control it. Not that I am denying mystery, just certainty. I hate nothing more than when people see “proofs” that are not there.

  2. Wolfie says:

    I have many books on the relationships between Mathematics, Nature and Beauty – its a fascinating subject. I also amuse my wife by walking about the house with this t-shirt on :

    Happy new year to you Cherry! May 2013 bring you joy and happiness.


    • CherryPie says:

      I have only a couple of books on the subject, but I have read a lot about it and find it fascinating.

      Your t-shirt makes me smile :-)

      I wish you and your family a Happy New Year too xx

  3. Claude says:

    Very interesting, Cherie! Sending this to my son’s Facebook page who is far more mathematical than I am.

    • CherryPie says:

      I hope he enjoys it :-)

      I have to admit I struggle with mathematics too unless someone explains them to me…

      Friends have helped me along with these ;-)

  4. ....peter:) says:

    I believe that nature has created things so intricate that man will never be able to replicate it… i enjoyed this very much Cherie….peter:)

  5. Ginnie says:

    Fabulous, Cherry, and I love the play on words of your title. Did you know that even language is mathematical, made up of formulas??!! (My background is linguistics.) I love it.

    • CherryPie says:

      Nooo I didn’t know about that language and I didn’t know your background was linguistics!

      I would love to know more about language being mathematical :-)

  6. Lisl says:

    Thank you for sharing this, Cherie – it is absolutely fascinating, and I will show my friends and family

  7. jamsodonnell says:

    A wonderful vid but I’m with Don on the title

  8. rusty duck says:

    I thought it was great. Played it twice – nice tune too!
    But also with Don on the title, and had missed it until he pointed it out.

  9. james higham says:

    Most interesting, Cherie.

    Just on another thing – can’t access the Eiffel Tower post [next].

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank You James, I forgot to check out the permalink before I posted.

      Anything with a dash in the title creates extra characters that stop the comments links from working.

  10. JD says:

    the first time I saw a graphic presentation of Phi was in a Donald Duck cartoon, believe it or not :)

    …a long time ago!

  11. Anne says:

    The wonders of the Fibonacci series – what a great video!

  12. liz says:

    Have you been to see the film yet?

  13. liz says:

    A beautiful video but have no idea what it’s about! (Well, formulae in nature and stuff I guess.)
    I’d disagree with those who object to the title. How can we look around us at such fabulous beauty and wonder and think it all came to be by chance? Mathematically, yes, but where does that come from?

    • CherryPie says:

      It is about the Fibonacci sequence of numbers and how that is displayed in nature and beyond. Our universe is perfectly formed to a mathematical formula.