All the planes of existence are involved in it.  It is not only that the soul is full of music; once you have heard the inner music, your mind is full of it, all your layers of being are full of it.  Once known, not only do you hear it inside of you, it is outside too.  In the song of birds you hear it, and in the wind passing through the trees you hear it, and in the waves striking on the rocks you hear it.  In sound you hear it, in silence you hear it.

In fact the greatest music in the world is nothing but an echo of the inner music.

Osho (1931 – 1990)

Shore Line

8 Comments CherryPie on Mar 3rd 2013

8 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Ginnie says:

    The inner music. Hmmm. This is one of those quotes to ruminate on for a long time, Cherry. And the image accompanying it is perfect.

  2. I love pebbles and that’s a beautiful photo.

  3. Claude says:

    This full size photo on Flicker is breathtaking.

  4. james higham says:

    And the music of nature.