The morning after the night before.

A Room with a View

18 Comments CherryPie on Mar 28th 2013

18 Responses to “Morning View”

  1. Mickie Brown says:

    Cherie, It sounds like you had a lovely time in Newcastle. The cherry scones and tea sound delicious. I have tea when I want to relax and have some quiet time–the two just seem to go together. Have a Happy Easter. Mickie :)

  2. ....peter:) says:

    It’s a lovely morning after… with just a dusting of snow on the city Cherie.
    Happy Easter to you my friend.

  3. Looks rather bleak in the morning light

  4. Claire says:

    I love this view just imagining the lives bring lived in this crowded environment,seeing more each time by looking more closely each time. I do like this VERY much. I am now at

  5. james higham says:

    Newcastle in the morning – an interesting concept.

  6. What did you see in Newcastle?
    Did you bump into Ant and Dec?

  7. J_on_tour says:

    Best not know what happened the night before :-) although I find it fascinating to see what other readers have to say about Newcastle. You walked past a wine bar part owned by Ant & Dec although the chances of seeing them in Newcastle these days is very slight.