I have really enjoyed my ‘part year’ in the 52 photos project and I am looking forward to starting the next round of challenges from the beginning. Thank you Bella
The final photo in this round is a self portrait. For several reasons I haven’t been inspired to take a self portrait over the last few months and the last few weeks have been rather hectic… So I delved into my ‘fairly recent’ archives to find a suitable photograph for the theme.
See the gallery for more ‘self portraits‘.
That’s a lovely photo!
Thank You
The thing is, Cherry, it looks just like you! You know I LOVE your smile.
Aww! thanks Ginnie
looking very contented there
“cat” + “cream” springs to mind (can’t imagine why)
I am sure I replied already to this comment…
I think I must have been having a therapeutic taking of a self portrait moment. We had been having a relaxing day after a very stressful journey down south the previous day.
This is a very nice photo. Thank you!
Thank you Claude
Who IS that pretty lady?
Aww! thank you
Cherry, this is a wonderful picture of you, love your smile, and believe it or not, this is you!!
Thank you It is nice to see how others see me