Patio and Wine

16 Comments CherryPie on Jun 20th 2013

16 Responses to “Alone on the Patio”

  1. Alright, we get it.
    This is the “after” shot, right?
    So who ate all the pies? ;p

  2. Ginnie says:

    How ’bout if I come join you, Cherry? :)

  3. Sean Jeating says:

    A ‘brewed’ wine? Interesting. : )
    It looks as if the dinner for two was nice and lovely, anyway.

  4. Ayush says:

    excellent shot, everything in this image. the composition, the table, the chair even if it might be a tad uncomfortable :D

  5. CrashRyan says:

    pour me a glass too

  6. Jennie says:

    My favorite of those I browsed. Looks as though your camera captured the very last glass from the bottle.

  7. james higham says:

    Oh yes, I can relate to that.

  8. J_on_tour says:

    Nice shot. Always difficult to worry about the background but you have successfully achieved this.