
A Room with a View

A Room with a View

A Room with a View

14 Comments CherryPie on Oct 21st 2013

14 Responses to “A Room with a Sunshine View”

  1. Astrid says:

    That is an incredible view, so many photo ops.
    I love the bridge, so much detail in it.

  2. Ginnie says:

    What is it about bridges, Cherry=! Gorgeous views.

  3. JD says:

    How did that happen :)

  4. ....peter:) says:

    WOW Cherie!!!… you got the best room in town… four wonderful captures… thanks for the tour….peter:)

  5. Barbara says:

    Very familiar as my husband comes from Gateshead.

  6. J_on_tour says:

    Late sunshine from the west … great mood.
    Although I still use it a few times a week, I know I shouldn’t … but those cars remind me of so many journeys across that bridge … to work. Not something that you’d ever expect to read or I’d want to talk about either ;-)

    On a side note, I’ve a question for you on my latest blog post about using multiple images with the Flickr site and text in the format that I do. I managed to copy & paste a portrait style image in with a piece of luck but don’t think I could do it again. Please feel free to write as much as you like … errr … sorry if I do on your page …. maybe that’s because I enjoy what I read and see here.

    • CherryPie says:

      The lighting was there for me and I just had to take advantage of it, it was an opportunity not to be missed. You are obviously far more intimate with ‘The Bridge’ than I am ;-)

      You can write as much as you like on my site, I always enjoy reading your thoughts. Thank you for your kind comments.

      I will be right over to your blog to see if I can help.

  7. james higham says:

    Some of your best and that’s saying something.