The further one travels, the less one knows.
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
« Nelly’s Moss Lake Virgile’s Vineyard by Patrick Moon »
Filed under Faith Foundations, Holidays, Newcastle & Crookham 2013
The further one travels, the less one knows.
Tags: Cherie's Place Thought, Cragside, National Trust, Northumber- land, Vacation
18 Comments CherryPie on Mar 2nd 2014
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Hmm… I don’t know about that…
Lovely photo. Very inviting. It looks rather like the walk by the golf courses in Kinross, but I’m fairly sure it is not.
It is one of the walks at Cragside.
I am sure it is a place you would enjoy visiting. So many aspects to see and a nice tea shop
…and if I had read the tags I would have known it is not…
We had several lovely walks on that day.
We’re going to Sri Lanka at the end of this month. I will become less knowledgeable!
Just kidding! I love and understand that quote.
oooh! I hope you enjoy your visit to Sri Lanka. It is on my list of places to visit
This really appeals to me – I can’t resist a footpath sign, Cherie
There is something about them isn’t there?
It’s like the more answers one gets the more questions pop up, Cherry. Indeed.
Yes there is always more questions just when you think you have things sussed out
I totally understand the quote, there is so much truth in it.
Great shot with the footpath signs.
Thank you, I am glad you like the photo
I never met Lao-Tzu. But he must have sneaked into my house, 15 years ago, and read the sign I had just put on my wall. It said, very sadly: “I know too much to know so little.” In a way, it’s exhilarating. It keeps me on my toes. But, at times, I just don’t want to pack my bag again and go on another road. Although the one you offer, here, looks very inviting. May I use my scooter?
I think it is a perfect pathway for a scooter. I am imagining the leaves swirling around as you venture to what lies behind those trees…
… or the more one realizes the nuances.
… or the more one travels, one realizes there is so much more to learn.
… and running out of time to do it.
… and remember to focus on what is really important