Martin's Patershof

6 Comments CherryPie on Mar 30th 2014

6 Responses to “Happy Mother’s Day xx”

  1. Beautiful window Cherie, your photographic skills are amazing, hope mine will be one day!
    Happy Mothers Day!

    Best wishes,

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you :-)

      I don’t do anything special with my photos… I just take what I see. I sometimes crop a little when I get home and adjust the RGB if the lighting wasn’t perfect on the day. Apart from that I don’t adjust my photos in any other way.

  2. ....peter:) says:

    It’s a beautiful window framed perfectly Cherrie…
    Happy Mother’s Day…
    our Mother’s Day in Canada is on second Sunday in May…
    we have to wait linger for the flowers to get through the snow :-)

  3. Wow, from your cathedral-hotel in Mechelen?
    That’s a nice “conversion”! ;)