The High Altar is the very heart of the Cathedral. This is the table where Holy Communion is celebrated. The embroidered frontal changes during the year to reflect the season in the church.
The window behind the High Altar is entitled Prisoners of Conscience and is situated in the Trinity Chapel. It was designed by the French artist Gabriel Loire and installed in 1980.
The centre lancet shows the Crucifixion with gold above signifying Truth, a triangle of light from Jesus’s head shines on the graves of prisoners. The ascending spiral expresses the theme of Resurrection.
On the left, at the foot of the cross, a sorrowing figure of the Mother of Jesus. Centre left lancet shows (in second panel down on left hand side) the head of Jesus from the the back as he stands before Pilate, (in the second panel down on the right hand side) Pilate in judgment and boy holding bowl for him to wash his hands disclaiming responsibility and (in the third panel down on the right hand side) a cock crows three times when St Peter denied Our Lord and the face of St Peter weeping in remorse.
The centre right lancet shows Jesus in a red robe with his head crowned with thorns, blood running down his forehead, being mocked by soldiers. The far left lancet shows the firm faces of convinced prisoners. Far right lancet shows the doubting faces, arrows of doubt, with anchor of hope at the top left and the green star of vision at the top right.
Even close up I found the detail a little unclear.
I’ve always wondered about the different coloured cloths they use for the different festive days.
Perhaps I will do a bit of research to find out what they all mean…