Rather him than me…

Man at Work

16 Comments CherryPie on Feb 12th 2015

16 Responses to “Man at Work”

  1. ....peter:) says:

    i hope that he doesn’t have to polish that weather vane more than once a month Cherie….peter:)

  2. Ginnie says:

    Oh, Oh, Oh. You know I’d love to grab that delightful weathervane, Cherry! :)

  3. Sigrun says:

    Oh, a dangerous job! But beautiful, when he is ready.


  4. ubermouth says:

    Nothing could induce me to go up there! Not if there was a million dollar cheque there with my name on it.

  5. liz says:

    Definitely! Even with fairly substantial-looking support system.

  6. Wow, pigs can really fly! ;)

  7. lisl says:

    Have just been catching up, Cherie. How fortunate you were to get this spire with a human embellishment!