Rather him than me…
Archive for the tag 'Weather Vane'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, London 2014
Altazimuth Pavilion Weather Vane
The Altazimuth Pavilion is topped with an unusual weather vane.
It is modelled on Halley’s Comet, as depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry. It was erected in June 1901, a few years after the building was completed but in time for the comet’s return in 1909. There is a clear link with the Observatory’s history since Halley [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Sep 17th 2014
Filed under Holidays, Kent January 2012
Rochester Guildhall
On my recent trip to Kent I payed my first visit to Rochester and one of the first things I noticed as I entered the city was a weather vane in the shape of a ship. On further investigation I found that it was on top of the guildhall which was built in 1687.
Outside, [...]
13 Comments CherryPie on Jan 28th 2012
Filed under Heritage, Out & About
Baddesley Clinton – The Stables
The guidebook provides the following information:
the old stable block, which is listed in Edward Ferrers’s ‘Account of what I have built and altered in and about Baddesley house’ as costing £76 17s 7d in 1714. Some of the arched entrances were bricked up to allow the interior to be fitted out with Victorian loose-boxes.
The [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on May 9th 2011