Eighteenth-Century Warship

On my recent trip to Kent I payed my first visit to Rochester and one of the first things I noticed as I entered the city was a weather vane in the shape of a ship. On further investigation I found that it was on top of the guildhall which was built in 1687.

Outside, mounted on the roof, is an amazing weather vane in the form of a fully rigged 18th-century warship. This is 1.52m tall and weighs just under 51kg. It is made of gilded copper and lead alloy and has weathered the ever-changing climate since 1780.

13 Comments CherryPie on Jan 28th 2012

13 Responses to “Rochester Guildhall”

  1. How was Rochester?
    I have been to Colchester. ;)
    It’s a lovely place.

  2. How observant of you to see the weather vane – I’m sure I’d have missed it! It’s lovely.

  3. rem_la says:

    un bien joli fronton !

  4. Marcie says:

    So cool!! What a wonderful weather vane..and great eye you have for having seen and captured it!

  5. Ellee says:

    Rochester is somewhere I have never visited, must get there soon.

  6. Ayush says:

    nice observation. i wonder if passersby notice it right over there?