The guidebook provides the following information:

the old stable block, which is listed in Edward Ferrers’s  ‘Account of what I have built and altered in and about Baddesley house’ as costing £76 17s 7d in 1714. Some of the arched entrances were bricked up to allow the interior to be fitted out with Victorian loose-boxes.

The timber-framed clock turret above the stable had to be renewed by the National Trust in 1981, after it had become dilapidated. the single-handed turret clock has a fine unaltered mechanism now restored to working order. Edward Ferrers spent £19 4s on ‘The Clock, Bell, Fan Dyall Board etc.’

Lunch Time View

Clockside View


10 Comments CherryPie on May 9th 2011

10 Responses to “Baddesley Clinton – The Stables”

  1. jane says:

    So much attention to details in those days and such pride in their work.

    • CherryPie says:

      And the buildings have stood the test of time which is more than can be said for the modern buildings of today. I am sure they won’t still be standing after a similar amount of time.

  2. Ellee says:

    Somewhere else that’s lovely to visit with my NT card one day.

  3. jameshigham says:

    the single-handed turret clock

    Is a single-handed clock a lot of use, Cherie?

  4. Is that really a stable?!
    Looks like a chapel to me!
    Lovely. :)