Daimler Dingo

The Daimler “Dingo”, introduced in 1939, was used by both 10th and 11th Hussars. It was one of the best reconnaissance vehicles and remained in service long after the war.

The Dingo had 5 forward gears and 5 reverse gears for a fast withdrawal. It was armed with a .303 Bren light machine gun and had a crew of two. The driver’s seat was turned sideways so he could see over his shoulder when driving backwards.

In the Dessert War the Dingo was the Crew’s home. They kept ammunition inside the vehicle and their kit was carried outside.

The 11th Hussars wore an un-badged brown beret with a crimson band, unique in the British Army. They adopted steel helmets only after D-Day.*

Daimler Dingo

*From an information board next to the Daimler “Dingo”

6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 13th 2015

6 Responses to “Daimler “Dingo” Scout Car 1942”

  1. Ayush says:

    very interesting post, Cheryl. for two, this looks like a bit short on space.

  2. james higham says:

    What on earth made you think of that one?

  3. There’s even a museum dedicated to horse power, eh?! ;)