The Crucifixion by Carl Bloch

46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Luke 23:46 (KJV)

8 Comments CherryPie on Mar 25th 2016

8 Responses to “The Crucifixion”

  1. Amfortas says:


    JH posted well and I copied.

    • CherryPie says:

      The post helped us to understand/feel the pain in graphic detail.

      Earlier today I read all four gospel accounts of the events leading up to the Crucifixion, the Crucifixion and the resurrection. And reflected on them.

      I thought dearieme was inappropriate with his comments in response to JH’s post. That is because he has not found the key (yet).

      • Chrysalis says:

        Detroit and I watched the Pope’s Via Crucis at the Colosseum in Rome last night :)

        At each station, different people carried the cross to symbolize people carrying the current crosses of pain and suffering in the world, it was very touching. At the end, the Pope said a beautiful prayer that brought us both to tears. (I had been struggling this week in my faith a bit and it was very helpful to see all those people come together in Christ).

        Then I read JH’s blog this morning. Dearie Me was being Dearie Me. What I actually found the most disheartening was a comment dissing Americans at Easter by a Catholic, just after watching the stations of the cross.

        So let’s just say as far as Christian posts this Easter, around these parts, I’d prefer to come here and be uplifted rather than JH’s – thank you :)

        Happy Easter anyway, Amfortas, from this American Episcopalian :)

        Happy Easter, Cherie and all :)

        • Chrysalis says:

          PS – Of course by ‘uplifted’ I did not mean Christ’s crucifixion and suffering itself. I mean we are uplifted from a focus on the problems of this world to the higher message Christ gave to us.

          • CherryPie says:

            Thanks Chrysalis, I like to try and share a bit of light. I am glad that the Via Crucis helped you with your faith :-)

            Happy Easter to you too :-)

        • Amfortas says:

          A Happy and Holy Easter to you too Chrys. :)

  2. Astrid says:

    I saw your last posts and I always admire the incredible art that came from the bible. It is too bad that there is so much hate in the world, something he never wanted. Love will win in the end.