10 Comments CherryPie on May 26th 2016
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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10 Comments CherryPie on May 26th 2016
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Love trout. Haven’t yet put in beans in our garden.
Coffee is on
The trout and beans work well together
Totally my kind of good, healthy meal, Cherry. Eet smakelijk!
It was tastilicious
I try to have a nice piece of Salmon or Trout every week, perhaps some Blue Grenadier or other white fish too. We farm Salmon nearby in the D’Entrcasteaux. Local and fresh. I had a nice piece today – Blue G – with boccoli and runner beans and ‘chip’ shaped sweet potato. I pan-fried to seal and then poached the fish in milk with onion and mushrooms.
I had to Google Blue Grenadier, I had not heard of it
Your evening meal sounds delicious. I might just hop on the next plane and invite myself for dinner at Amfortas’ Place
Weight-loss??? I love this kind of food and I can tell you this is healthy and part of the good food
I assume you are with the weight watchers? Make sure you eat enough, a lot of people make the mistake by doing those stupid ‘crash diets’… I just read somewhere that ‘determination’ need glucose… when you start with a crash diet… guess what you loose first… ‘determination’… Have a good weekend!!!
I need to shed a few pounds, it is a work in progress I know what I need to do but I keep sabotaging myself!!
So recently Mr C and I have been experimenting with what you call ‘the good food’. We are enjoying the fresh ideas and experimentation
i like the angle on the two plates, CP. i like the meal and your shot of it
Thank you It was delicious.