Colouring Practice

My first attempt at colouring with waxy pencils, in this case Staedtler colouring pencils. I enjoyed the way I could layer up the colours :-)

8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 8th 2017

8 Responses to “Colouring Practice”

  1. Anne says:

    Wow CherryPie, that is a brilliant first attempt. I have a new colouring book. Shakespeare, given to me by my eldest grandson for Christmas. Now I think I know what to buy ,, Staedtler Colouring pencils. Thanks for sharing and well done. xx

    • CherryPie says:

      Thank you :-)

      I have explored with watercolour pens and felt pens but I enjoyed working with these waxy pencils more than the other media :-)

      I do however have a pending photo of a colouring project that includes water colour pencils and Staedtler fineliners :-)

  2. The Yum List says:

    I bought one of these colouring pages for my niece. It was a lovely design and even came with its own glass frame. She loved it. Surprising how soothing colouring can be.

  3. Ayush says:

    it looks very well done. a bright creation of colour, CP

  4. Debbie says:

    beautiful, i love the colors!! i have dabbled a little in coloring – but when i have free time, i tend to knit!!!