Lichfield Nutcracker Trail

Lichfield Nutcracker Trail

14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 2nd 2018

14 Responses to “Lichfield Nutcracker Trail”

  1. Ayush says:

    i like the red blush on the cheeks

  2. Ginnie says:

    Now THAT would be fun, Cherry. Do you know how many of them there are…and did YOU see them all???

    • CherryPie says:

      There were originally 12 of them. Unfortunately and few of them got damaged and had to be repaired and one went missing over Christmas. This lead to them being removed a day early to stop any potential damage on New Years Eve.

  3. Alan says:

    Now this looks fun. How many are are there? I expect if cuts continue to our armed forces, these will be vital to our defence :)

  4. This sounds so much fun – how I wish I had gone into Lichfield now!!! Super pictures.

  5. lisl says:

    How very strange. Were they all the same?

  6. The Yum List says:

    Cute. Sounds like fun.

  7. Bid for what on the dark sticker?
    I saw Coventry Bid for UK City of Culture when I was there.