Berkeley Castle

Berkeley Castle


Berkeley Castle

Berkeley Castle

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 26th 2020

6 Responses to “Berkeley Castle Garden”

  1. Hels says:

    I visited Strawberry Hill which was built in the neo-Gothic style by Walpole in the 18th century. Now looking at Berkeley Castle, the original chimneys from the 12th century might have been one of Walpole’s amazing models.

  2. Berkeley Castle is one of those places I really want to visit. I had no idea it had attractive gardens too!

    • CherryPie says:

      In its grounds there is also and interesting church and a butterfly house. Next door is Dr. Jenner’s house with displays showing how he pioneered a vaccination against smallpox.

      I found the information fascinating, although Mr C thought it was too in depth and dry reading.

  3. The Yum List says:

    Seems such a contrast to see cannons and gardens together.