Wrekin College Cricket Fields

The destination of my Friday walk was the Bowring Park in Wellington. I chose not to walk  shortest route so that I could enjoy some other features on my way. My walk took me past Wellington Cemetery.

After my walk around Bowring Park I found a pathway that lead me into the cemetery. The park was busy and noisy but as I stepped into the cemetery grounds I found peace and tranquility. The contrast was quite striking.

On this occasion I enjoyed the peace and tranquility and I know I will be back to walk in that place again soon. I chose the shortest route back home which chimed with the peacefulness of my experience in the cemetery.

Wrekin College Cricket Fields

St. Patrick's  Wellington

Wrekin View

Wellington Parish Church


Bowring Park

Wellington Cemetery Chapel

Bowring Park

Wellington Cemetery Chapel

Wellington Cemetery Chapel

Love Where You Live

College Fields

Spring Detail

Homeward Bound

2 Comments CherryPie on Mar 20th 2021

2 Responses to “A Walk to the Park”

  1. The Yum List says:

    My dad used to make a terrible joke about the cemetery being the “dead centre” of town ;-)