
Today I met with a friend for a local walk, the weather was glorious. I enjoyed her company and sharing walking pathways that were new to her. As I set off to meet her I encountered one of my neighbours who was also setting off for an afternoon walk. We had a lovely chat before setting off on our different routes.

I was so busy walking and chatting that I forgot about taking photographs of our walk!

Pathway Selfie

A Host of Golden Daffodils


4 Comments CherryPie on Mar 24th 2021

4 Responses to “Wednesday Wander”

  1. Should have invited your mates in the shadow photo.
    Then you can create paper doll chain in it.
    Maybe next time.

    • CherryPie says:

      The links never came together on this walk. Random encounter with a neighbour at the beginning of the walk followed by meeting with a friend. The three links were never all together ;-)

  2. Ginnie Hart says:

    When friends are more important than our photography, that says everything you need to know! :)