Leegomery Pools on a Sunny Day

After taking my mum for her second Covid vaccination and before a garden get together with family members I had a window of opportunity to take advantage of the glorious sunshine.

I walked to my favourite local pool and sat for a while enjoying the sounds of nature. I watched fish swimming just under the surface and had a lovely conversation with a gentleman that lives near to the pool.


Later I enjoyed ‘fine dining’, although it had dropped a bit too chilly  for a ‘fine dining’ on the patio experience.

Arroz con pollo

5 Comments CherryPie on Apr 19th 2021

5 Responses to “A Window of Opportunity”

  1. lisl says:

    That is a lovely pool to sit by, and perhaps think about the meal ahead, Cherie

  2. Have you had your COVID jab yet?
    I had mine last month.