Although there was probably an earlier Celtic church on the site Aldhelm is celebrated as the founder of the Christian Church in Sherborne in 705 AD. Founded as a cathedral it became an Abbey in 1075 before finally becoming the parish church of Sherborne with the dissolution of the monasteries. For many it is still the ‘cathedral of Dorset’ and the Benedictine heritage lives on in the daily offering of prayer and praise.
When people look at the Abbey, they see different things. Some see the finest building in Dorset, with its glorious fan vaulting – of which Simon Jenkins says in his book England’s Thousand Best Churches, “I would pit Sherborne’s roof against any contemporary work of the Italian Renaissance.” Others see a place renowned for its choir and its music and its bells – the heaviest peal of eight bells in the world. Some see thirteen centuries of history.
In addition to the roof there are many other fine features from the Whistler reredos in the Lady Chapel, the high altar reredos in Caen stone by Richard Carpenter, the great West Window by John Hayward installed in 1997 and dedicated by HM The Queen, mediaeval misericords, ancient stone coffins said to contain the bones of Ethelbald and Elthelbert, kings of Wessex and brothers of Alfred the Great, the Grey and Davidson organ, rebuilt by Kenneth Tickell and Co in 2005 , who added the west end section, tombs of the local gentry and much more.
Although there is much to see it is not a museum. It is a living, working and growing place of worship and ministry, often filled with music and with any people, young and old, attending services and events. Prayers are said and sung daily.
Filed under Faith Foundations, Holidays, Sherborne 2019
Sherborne Abbey
6 Comments CherryPie on May 20th 2021
The ceiling still looks spectacular.
It is
My favourite ecclesiastical building, Cherie
I hope to be back very soon
My favourite is Winchester Cathedral. There is just something about it…
strikingly beautiful church building !!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for details and specially such exquisite images
It is a special place, I hope to visit again very soon.