Roman Bath House

Binchester (Vinovia) was founded around 80 AD and for a time one of the largest Roman military installations in the whole of Northern Britain. About 7 hectares in size it was large enough to have accommodated a battle-group formed of several cohorts of legionary infantry and one or more units of auxiliary cavalry. Even when it was reduced to 4 hectares around 160 AD it was still the largest fort in County Durham.

We know from inscriptions that the garrison of this later fort was a cavalry unit originally recruited in central Spain accompanied at some point by a unit of cavalry originating from the area we now know as Holland. The fort, which continued to be occupied down to the end of the Roman period, was accompanied by a large civil settlement around it. People continued to live in the fort for several centuries after Britain ceased to be part of the Roman Empire.

Roman Bath House

Roman Bath House

Dere Street

New excavations

New excavations

7 Comments CherryPie on Mar 9th 2022

7 Responses to “Binchester Roman Fort”

  1. Jenn says:

    I loved this place! When I visited it in 2020, the guy there told me where to look to see some footprints in the cement

    • CherryPie says:

      We were told about the footprints too. My hubby got I picture of them, I had gone wandering off elsewhere whilst he was talking about history with the person who we purchased our tickets off (our ticket seller was quite rightly excited about Binchester).

  2. Mandy says:

    Now I’m even more determined to visit Durham. It’s ages since I visited Roman ruins – perhaps when I went to Lullingstone

  3. The Yum List says:

    So much history contained in these grounds.