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Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

Dudley Zoo

8 Comments CherryPie on Aug 14th 2023

8 Responses to “Dudley Zoo”

  1. Sean Jeating says:

    Ha! What a pleasure for my eyes before falling into the feathers. ;-)
    The peace of the night.

  2. Gosh I haven’t been there since I was a child. I remember they had a pit full of snakes which gave me nightmares!!

  3. Chrysalis says:

    Lovely! I love zoos! And lemurs! And birds! But what’s this about some still in cages?

    • CherryPie says:

      Well they are enclosures rather than cages. I thought that some of the enclosures were too small for the animals they housed. At Chester Zoo most of the enclosures are large and attempt to replicate the environment of the animals housed there.

  4. The lemurs are so striking.
    Do they have orangutans too?