The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

Carl Sagan


12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 28th 2024

12 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Ayush says:

    that is a good thought and i believe it has been expressed in similar ways by other folks too, CP.

  2. lisl says:

    That’s quite a thought, Cherie. By the way, when I google your site, an old picture of Gloucester Cathedral comes up, and I have to press home to get your new posting. It used to refresh with your latest picture. I mention it, as some people may miss out when they look for you on-line

    • CherryPie says:

      Thanks Lisl, the way Google and other browsers work have changed recently due to new protocols. I am not sure how to fix it, I need a techy person to help me. I am looking but I haven’t been able to find any one yet.

  3. Mandy says:

    Very true. Sagan was a visionary

  4. Hence, wars can still happen today?

  5. lowcarbdiabeticJan says:

    Thank you for sharing this quote and beautiful flower.

    All the best Jan