…. followed by a different walk

Just Me in the sunshine

This walk was there and back again. I wasn’t able to navigate my way around a small muddy area and I wasn’t in the mood for walking through mud ;-)

I ‘was’ in the mood for the glorious sunshine after so many rainy days. Lucky me for choosing an sunny ’slot’.

Fast Flowing

Long Shadows

Wrekin View

Attingham House

Cedars of Lebanon

Homeward Bound

8 Comments CherryPie on Mar 5th 2024

8 Responses to “Another Shift…”

  1. Hels says:

    Muddiness is awful, but sitting in a sunny spot, looking at the water flow and the trees fill the gardens – dreamy :) Be well!

    Walking isn’t painful for me, but it is slow and overly cautious. So I took most of my clothes off, sat in the garden in front of the coffee shop and absorbed the sunshine.

  2. lisl says:

    To have all this at your place of work is such a blessing, Cherie

  3. Take us to the kitchen next time.
    Share with us their secret recipes.
    How do they make those cakes so moist? :)
    Yum yum.

    • CherryPie says:

      Ah! the tea shop is always closed after my shift. I can only get a take away which is not quite the same. Maybe in the summer months ;-)

  4. Oh, I love this walk Cherie. I’m definitely looking forward to getting out in the spring air soon!