RNAS Armoured Car

In 1914 the RNAS was a new branch of the Navy. It worked with the latest technology and actively recruited men with engineering backgrounds in order to maintain its aircraft and engines.

The Royal Naval Armoured Car Division used an RNAS depot at Wormwood Scrubbs, in London, and started adapting commandeered motor car chassis. These were predominantly Rolls-Royce, Talbot, Wolseley and later Lancaster. *

RNAS Armoured Car

*from a signboard next to the armoured car

4 Comments CherryPie on Mar 9th 2024

4 Responses to “RNAS Armoured Car”

  1. Shabana says:

    interesting dear Cheri
    blessings and best wishes

  2. Went to Chatham and Portsmouth recently.
    Visited the historic dockyards.
    Need to go back to Portsmouth again, cos I didn’t quite finish the site.

    • CherryPie says:

      Portsmouth is fantastic we took two days over it the first time we visited. We still didn’t have time to visit the submarine or explosion museums.