In early 2020 an unexpected virus arrived affecting our lives, causing us to stay at home for a while to stop the virus spreading and getting out of control. During this time Captain Tom Moore inspired many people with his uplifting spirit of life and walks round his garden to raise money for the NHS.
It [...]
Archive for the tag 'Life'
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
Walking in Memory of Captain Tom Moore
2 Comments CherryPie on Feb 28th 2021
Filed under Anecdotes
Happy Anniversary :-)
We usually celebrate our wedding anniversary with a travel adventure. This year we had planned to be in Norfolk and were looking forward to meeting with friends whilst we were there.
Plan B was a mini local adventure and ‘Fine Dining’ on the patio. The weather had other ideas…
A last minute Plan C came in operation; [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Jun 6th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes
A Bit of a Saga
Whilst enjoying lunch on the patio we were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Mr C disappeared and emerged around the side of the house with another man. He was assessing the cost of weeding, power-washing and applying weedkiller to our driveway and patio. I am always wary of using the services of [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 3rd 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Gardens
VE 75 Celebrations
Despite the current lock-down our local town improvised to celebrate VE day with social distancing throughout the town. Due to the efforts of of local people the town was decorated with bunting and poppies. A plane displaying the message ‘THANK YOU HEROES PAST & PRESENT’ flew overheard. Midlands Today recorded the events including streets that [...]
2 Comments CherryPie on May 10th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Out & About
A Hat in a Box
After many sunny April days the sun was tired and put its hat in a box to recharge its batteries.
This meant that the ‘Boris’ walkers rather than regular dog walkers and walkers stopped at home giving me a window of opportunity to venture out on a much missed local walk.
The pathways were back to how [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Apr 28th 2020
The more a human being feels himself a self, tries to intensify this self and reach a never-attainable perfection, the more drastically he steps out of the centre of being.
Eugine Herrigel
2 Comments CherryPie on Apr 27th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Science & Nature
A Tale of Three Frogs
Today, just after lunch I sat on my garden bench watching and listening to the birds singing there hearts out. I went inside for something and when I came out I noticed a small speckled grey pebble near to the bench. I paused, I didn’t remember seeing it when I was gardening earlier in the [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Apr 27th 2020