You can fool all the people all the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.

Joseph E Levine

Signs of Age

14 Comments CherryPie on Sep 26th 2010

14 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the week”

  1. Denise says:

    LOVE this one! Hilarious!

  2. Bernard says:

    No, no, no. No not never!
    Not even with an infinite budget and ad nauseam advertising would anyone get me to buy, believe or do anything that I had not the mind to buy, believe or do.
    I usually ignore all advertising, irrespective of the message or budget. In fact I always reject heavily advertised promotions. If they need to advertise something, with a big budget – it must be bad!
    A good quality idea or item, will sell itself. :)
    Have a nice day – :)

    • CherryPie says:

      You are not a sheeple and neither am I, it is a shame that there are so many sheeples in the world!!!

      Ah! sighs… I did have a nice day. A garden this afternoon and an evening chatting with a friend :-)

  3. Marcie says:

    Love the quote. So perfect and so true. And – the image with all of its different lines and textures makes for a wonderful abstract!

  4. MTG says:

    I get no sleep for the persistent deliberation over what I am going to buy tomorrow.

  5. jameshigham says:

    Not all, Cherie, not all.

  6. Ellee says:

    I love to see the different textures used on buildings. I love old walls particularly.

  7. hilarious (but sad? ;D) quote…
    and love the photo of the old barn!