Filed under Anecdotes

A Quiet Day

After all the rushing round running up to Christmas I had planned a nice quiet day for yesterday.

It didn’t go quite according to plan and turned into ‘one of those days’. It started off badly with me managing to accidentally put down a glass of water on the edge of my glasses. This resulted in the glass tilting and eventually falling over before I could catch it. The water was running in the general direction of some books that were nearby and my glasses had been thrown onto the floor. I can’t see anything without my glasses so I was fumbling around trying to move the books out of the way before locating my glasses.

Luckily there was only a small amount of damage but all that activity made me realise I still haven’t quite shaken of my lurgy because I was feeling quite worn out.

I took a well deserved rest for the remainder of the morning. Then after lunch I ventured out for what was supposed to be a couple of hours at the most. It turned into some great expedition which I had no control over! Finally returning after 6pm!!!

So much for a quiet day…

I shall leave you with another of my photo experiments of the tree in the Churchyard.


8 Comments CherryPie on Dec 28th 2010

8 Responses to “A Quiet Day”

  1. jameshigham says:

    Cherie – you’re not getting N14 on the list are you? It might be, you know. :)

  2. That is a beautiful tree decoration. I hope the lurgie is over soon

  3. Bernard says:

    Here’s hoping you shake that lurgie off CherryPie.
    I can’t see much without my glasses either. :(
    My latest non-trick is to leave the teaspoon in my coffee mug (beaker – down south) and then, knock the whole thing over by catching the tip of the spoon with my hand!

    Now that is another great night shot, Cherie, . . . but, isn’t it annoying when the council go and plonk a street lamp or two just where you don’t want them. :(
    Back to one of your “thoughts for the day”. . . . An artist would or could, paint that scene without the said post. :)
    Best wishes for the New Year. :)

    • CherryPie says:

      It is reassuring to know it isn’t just me who is inadvertently clumsy at times. Thankfully I don’t do it very often but I did manage to spill something else the following day. I am putting it down to me being under the weather due to the lurgie (well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it ;-) ).

      It is the rubbish bin that most offends me in that picture ;-)

      Best wishes to you too for the New Year :-)

  4. Chrissy says:

    What a very beautiful photo, the trees look magical. I hate those days where I turn into a klutz…but, we all have them. I hope you are feeling a little better now :)