Torricelli is another water feature in the Serpent Garden. The water slowly creeps up the tubes and eventually bursts out in a cascade of fountains which slowly diminish. Kids are fascinated by this one and love to explore the feature first hand
10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 21st 2011
We have a similar fountain called “Appearing Rooms” in London.
I am sure you’ll also find this fascinating.
YouTube “Appearing Rooms” to see more.
Thanks for that link. That looks like a great deal of fun
I just want to jump in that fountain with our 100 degree temps here!
100 degrees is way to hot for me!
I’d want to explore it first hand, too, Cherie, especially on a hot day!
Everyone seems to have great fun in it
Children are fascinated with this you say and I imagine adults are too!
Just watching water moving is so calming.
I find fountains and waterfalls very relaxing
A very interesting interactive water feature. The clear tubes where the water can be watched rising is entertainment in itself for the young !
The kids certainly do love this feature