Before we move on, I share a last few pictures of the Serpent Garden.

Reflections & Light


Reflections at Alnwick

11 Comments CherryPie on Jul 22nd 2011

11 Responses to “Alnwick Garden – Last Glimpse”

  1. Andrew says:

    That last photo is great. It took me a moment to notice the two of you in the water :)

  2. Andrew says:

    Or is it water running down metal, or just rough metal?

  3. JD says:

    Some of your photos of Alnwick are giving me vertigo :)

    Harry Potter been messing with your camera??

  4. Claude says:

    That place is fascinating. Thank you so much.

  5. J_on_tour says:

    An amazing array of water features. I tried to get a reflection of myself recently in a steel ball fountain in Sheffield and like your image, the result was a bit more mysterious than I first thought at the time.