I have had a hectic few days (again…). In the past couple of weeks the kitchen and the dining room have been decorated. This involved emptying the dining room and returning everything to it’s place before visitors arrived to stay over the weekend. It was almost back in one piece before they arrived on Saturday, but not quite!
There was a busy itinerary whilst my visitors were with me; Attingham Park, evening dinner at Mum’s, Daniels mill (I remembered my camera this time), Dudmaston Hall, Much Wenlock and a Sunday evening meal out. On the morning of their departure (Monday) my visitors got up unexpectedly early leaving me feeling rather spaced out. Their early departure did however leave me with plenty of time to get ready for my afternoon ‘bloggy meet up’.
Ginnie (from Vision & Verb) and Astrid were visiting the UK and had arranged a meet up with friends who blog at Shutterchance. You might recall I met them both at the Black Country Museum last year. This year they had arranged the meet up at Blists Hill museum, which is not far from Ironbridge. It was so lovely to see them both (and the other shutterchancers) again. We all had a fun afternoon together exploring Blists Hill, chatting and getting to know each other better. Oh! I nearly forgot, we all took lots of photos too
I booked today off to relax, but…
The day was taken up washing glasses and ornaments before returning them to the dining room. I moved some furniture around too, to make better use of the room. I am pleased with the result
Hello C, G & A.
I am back.
Wow you guys went to visit a lot of places!
Hope you had a great time.
I hope you had a good time along the canal, I am looking forward to your photographs
Worcester is a lovely place!
Really like their old timber houses there.
Have you been to St Mary’s Guildhall in Coventry?
That place reminded me of Bruges Town Hall!
Both are truly fascinating buildings!
Worcester is an interesting place, I haven’t visited for a while.
I have not been to the guildhall in Coventry, I have only been to the cathedral and that was a long time ago…
I need to go and see for myself don’t I?
Nice picture!
Thank you
What a great opportunity to meet blog friends. Sounds like it was a busy weekend. Great photo.
I always enjoy meeting friends and there is always something special about meeting friends you have met through blogging
We love to have visitors Cherie and we turn our house upside-down so it looks just right… but i am sure the Ginnie and Astrid would never worry about the house as much as the visit… it is a great photo that you caught of Ginnie taking a picture of Astrid while they were on the ride… just like big kids!!!… and you can tell them that for me when you see them… have a nice visit with your friends from the Netherlands….peter:)
I love to have visitors too
It is always fun to catch up with friends
My house was quite comfortable even though everything wasn’t in the right place. I am liking it better now though, that everything is sorted
I will be sure to tell them
Sounds like you had great fun with the bloggers after all your hard work. I guess it means lots of photos in the pipeline.
I do have a lot of photos from the weekend and I am not sure where to start
This is a great shot and it was great to see you again. Thank you so much for taking time to meet up with us (Shutterchancers again) I think you belong to the family!!! It is always great to meet the person behind the picture.
The next shot you have from Ironbridge is wonderful, we visited just before going home. A beautiful bridge in a beautiful setting.
It was great to see you and Ginnie (and the other Shutterchancers) again
I had a great time and I do feel like part of the family
I thought you were brave trying out that ride, I know it would have made me feel a little queasy…
I have a few more photos of the Ironbridge to post. They were taken when I visited a couple of weeks ago, on that day I had intended to visit Blists Hill but I changed my mind because I wasn’t sure the weather would be kind to me. A few days later Ginnie told me about the meet up and where it was. Serendipity
Lovely to meet blogging friends!
Life is so hectic, isn’t it? I’ll comment on various posts here I think! Was it cloudy with you for the supermoon too? Such a shame.
I love the name Much Wenlock! It’s so quaint and English.
I love board games: you’ve got lots of unusual ones there.
It is always a pleasure to meet with friends and the chance to meet blogging friends is something quite special
It was a shame about the supermoon, but blogging friends from other parts of the world who saw my post went out to capture the moon. Their photos are very beautiful. Everything is connected after all
Thank you
Moving the furniture around is something I do a lot of – it’s modular and so different combinations occur.
I don’t often move furniture around, I usually get the optimum position right first time. This time I didn’t perhaps because I was being overseen when I sorted the furniture out for the first time.
It was only when some of it was moved out for the decorating that I had my inspiration.
We had such a blast, Cherry! You were such a good sport again to mix up with us from Shutterchance. You really are part of the family by now, 2 years running. THANK YOU for making time for us in the midst of your hubbub. I had no idea you were so busy! You seemed so calm, cool and collected.
Thanks Ginnie it was my pleasure meeting up again, I had a great time