The streets of London…

The Streets of London

The prompt for this theme was:

let’s venture out with our cameras and capture what’s going happening On the Street.

14 Comments CherryPie on Aug 24th 2012

14 Responses to “52 Photos Project – Gallery 18 – On the Street”

  1. Bella says:

    Loving this slice of London life!

  2. I love how far you take our eyes just by how you framed this photograph :-)

  3. L.McG.-E. says:

    Great lines, lovely to see London even on a rainy day.

  4. annie says:

    Lovely photo!

  5. maude says:

    love how the buildings frame this photo – makes me want to visit London so much!

  6. Are you coming to London’s Open Day next month?
    If so, you should visit the Blue Fin Building located behind Tate Modern.
    There’s roof garden there and you can a great view of Tate Modern!

  7. 22-23 Sept 2012.
    If you do come to London, do try and visit the Foreign Office.
    Their Grand Staircase is truly opulent, very over the top!